cookware with a story...
Looking for American-made cookware?
Like supporting a small business?
Need copper cookware re-tinning?
Want to find tons of information about cookware care?
Hey hey! You’ve found me!
book a workshop!
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Ready to sell, scale, and level up
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation. Based in New York City & Los Angeles, available for travel.
what we do
Hi there, Cookware Fans:
My name is Sara Dahmen, and I’m the only known female coppersmith building, restoring, and fixing copper cookware in the USA. (I also build cookware with tin plate and fire up the blacksmithing forge when absolutely needed, but mainly I stick with copper.)
Part of my time in the copper shop is spent repairing vintage copper pots and pans, or lining them with new tin. The rest of the time, I build custom items at the requests of customers or pieces for my 100% American-made House Copper & Cookware line.
you're in the right place
To find and shop all-American pure cookware - iron, pottery, wood, cotton and, of course, copper.
Read on for custom cookware builds and requests. **Retinning queues are closed.
Before I was a coppersmith, I was a writer. Pick up COPPER IRON AND CLAY...or one of the historical fiction novels that started it all...
hello hello.
Your cookware is always touched by my hands, personally. My three young children help pack boxes. My husband drives your order to UPS...
This is a family business, supporting other small, American family businesses. I do the physical work of the House Copper cookware line in my Wisconsin copper shop. My tools range from modern bead blasters and grinders to 1700s tinsmith stakes and 1820 hand rotary coppersmithing machines. Welcome to us!
coppersmith, novelist, farmer, herbalist, wife & mom
Everything created at House Copper & Cookware is sourced as locally as possible – and all from the USA. Solid, pure metal. The bare elements...and you.
For those looking for copper custom builds, you’ve found the right spot!
I've written several historical novels, which lead to coppersmithing, which lead to non-fiction, which lead to film...
listen in:
Cookware Doctor is *the* podcast talking about food, cooking, but, most importantly, we talk about the cookware and kitchen tools that make the food itself! What do you want to know? Drop a line by filling out the Contact Us form.
from the
The House Copper blog tackles everything from cookware history to menus to coppersmithing to reenactments and more. Not only do I try to make this a resource for metalsmiths and cooks, but for makers and researchers. It’s the place I pour all my brain activity and attempt to make it cohesive and helpful. Happy reading!
around the world
I’ve been incredibly lucky over the years of House Copper’s existence to be featured in a wide and eclectic array of newspapers, magazines, podcasts, radio shows, and more. Every time, the twist is fresh, the photos are spot on, and the interviews themselves a blast. So many things you might not know…and that I didn’t know I would share…
find lost knowledge
If you’ve mislaid your care instructions card from a previous House Copper order, never fear! Send a note and ask for any of the PDFs directly from me!
built to last
Don't forget to head over to the House Copper shop! You can find the line of copper cookware, iron skillets, wooden spoons, cotton towels, handmade pottery, and, of course, seasonal items, like Victorian tinsel!
own the trade
If you're interested in a day class, a long weekend event, or a mini-apprenticeship, I offer several options at various times of the year.
want to chat?
You are welcome to submit thoughts, questions, and general inquiries here. (Though if you’re sending a note about re-tinning, custom orders, etc, it may get forwarded to my assistant.)
Please note! The address online for House Copper is NOT a storefront or forge. The copper shop is in my private home, and I do not allow drop-ins, surprise visits, or personal copper drop-offs. The address is a shipping address only. If you drive up, you’ll wind up at a UPS store, and they will not give you my personal home address.