Cooking in Copper: Veggies & Cured Eggs

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Sara, here

One of my favorite tricks to do something “fancy” is to cure egg yolks. I do this whenever I have enough salt in the house as well as leftover yolks from baking something that required a lot of egg whites. Waste not, want not! Plus, curing the yolks make them last pretty much forever.

Anyway, this recipe involves throwing whatever vegetables you have in the house into a copper skillet (or even a copper pot works) after chopping them into loose chunks for easy eating. I personally love having more broccoli and also adding asparagus but that didn’t happen this time.

Warm up the copper with a bit of butter for taste – usually enough to coat the bottom of your cookware is enough—and watch the pan because you can burn that butter FAST in copper. As soon as it’s melted, add the vegetables. Then you can keep that on low heat while you wash and grate your cured egg yolk.

When the vegetables are done enough that they aren’t crunchy, shut off the heat (TIP: do NOT walk away from the stove! You will burn your veggies quickly and they will cook in a matter of minutes. So keep your eye on them and stir frequently.) and add the grated egg to the top of the vegetables. Eat while warm.

To make cured egg yolks, this is what I do: ratio of 3:1. So three (3) cups of salt and one (1) cup of sugar. Mix together in a low pan or baking dish and make little wells, where you will place the egg yolk. Cover up with more of the salt/sugar mix and leave in the fridge for 4-5 days. Afterwards, you’ll have to toss the salt/sugar mix, but the egg yolks will stay cured. I always leave them with their dusting of salt in the fridge until I want to use them. Then I rinse them off and grate them. You can slice them and add to pasta, too – super yummy!

Anyway – there ya have it! A delicious side dish that’s healthy and cleans out your fridge!

Want a visual how-to? Check out the YouTube for a quick video!

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