Easter Cake Update

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Sara, here

Totally amazing. It WORKED!!!!!

I bought the cake mold from the local (ok, next door neighbor state) Noric Ware, because why not keep it in the family with local-made cookware? They also are one of the few who make these molds. (Again, I sense this Midwestern trend thing…)

Using a cake mix from a box (because 3 kids and a job = no time for scratch right now!) and mix from a box for frosting, and way too much coconut and jelly beans, we were able to recreate the Easter Lamb cake!

And it didn’t fall over!!

Some tips and tricks I learned:

  1. Cakes take WAY longer to bake in the molds.
  2. Always put the cake on a cake pan before putting in the oven
  3. Grease and flour the mold for easy removal
  4. Saw off the bottom of the cake so it sits flat. Use a serrated knife.
  5. Put the cake upright and then in the freezer. You can do this for several days before you take it out to frost while it’s still frozen (it unfreezes itself pretty fast)
  6. Use a spoon to mix the green food dye with coconut unless you want to have Grinch fingers. Also…a little food dye goes a long way with coconut.
  7. Kids eat more jelly beans than they put on the cake.

Biggest take away? It’s WAY easier than I had expected!! And far more fun, too.

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