With the coronavirus a part of our world and our lives (and so many articles in The Economist dedicated to it, so I’ll clearly not forget, even if I wasn’t already homeschooling 3 elementary aged kids…), now is the perfect time to talk about the world’s “contact killer” – COPPER!
“As a coppersmith who makes everything from fur-trade-era kettles to lids for old pans, flasks, cups, and skillets, I have had all kinds of intimate experiences with copper, both in the metal shop, in the oven, and over a stove. My favorite part is how quickly copper responds to temperature changes—especially tin-lined or unlined copper. Plus, serving up a meal in a pretty copper pot never hurts.
When I first started building copper pots and pans in the shop, I had a few pieces of my own–both modern and vintage–but now I have loads more. This is partly because I’m convinced copper collecting is addicting but also because of its antimicrobial properties. These properties might make copper the cookware of choice when it comes to COVID-19. Here’s what we know…”
Read the full article HERE!

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